It’s no secret that antibiotics are very effective for treating infections. Did you know there are other compelling facts about antibiotics that are important to be aware of before you are prescribed a treatment?
Let’s start with the basics.
What are antibiotics? Antibiotics are types of medications that destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics are often prescribed but they are not always the answer. They are well-suited for the treatment of infections like strep throat or sinus infections, but do not work against viruses and it is important to keep this difference in mind.
The biggest mistake people make when taking an antibiotic: Let’s pretend you had an infection and your doctor prescribed you a month’s worth of antibiotic medication and you started feeling better in two weeks. It’s time to ditch the meds, right? Wrong! If you have an infection and your doctor prescribes antibiotics, chances are they, as well as your pharmacist at [company_short], advised you to take the entire treatment. But why keep taking medication if you already feel better?
The reason is critical; antibiotic resistance has emerged as one of the world’s most pressing public health concerns. Stopping antibiotic medication too early is a common prescription misuse with potentially devastating health effects. If you stop taking your antibiotic before finishing the total dosage prescribed by your doctor and filled by your pharmacist, you could be looking at getting sick all over again.
The main issue with discontinuing your medication use without completing a dosage is that your antibiotics may not wipe out all of the bacteria that is causing the infection and the surviving bacteria has the chance of becoming more resistant to treatment. This could lead to another infection that is difficult and expensive to treat or even mutate your ailment into an antibiotic-resistant infection with no viable treatment options.
These are some potential big consequences that come along with not taking your medication. Do you have any questions about antibiotics? We want to hear them. Leave us a comment or call [company_short] at [phone_main] where the staff is prepared to answer any questions you may have.