Sneaky Reasons Why Your Partner Snores … and How to Stop Them

2013Aug14_GenPharma_AWhether it’s a light hum, a loud choke or an ongoing rattling and snorting sound, snoring can be a major annoyance for both the snorer and anyone nearby. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, forty-five percent of normal adults snore at least occasionally, while 25 percent are habitual snorers.

While a little snoring may seem harmless, this common issue can have a substantial impact on your health and personal life. An article in Psychology Today highlights the harmful effects of snoring on a marriage, as it can cause spouses to sleep in separate rooms, leading to a plethora of additional issues. Snoring in excess can be a sign of a more serious condition, so it shouldn’t be ignored.

What causes snoring?

According to Mayo Clinic, snoring happens when the muscles in your mouth, tongue and throat relax. Relaxed tissues can partially block airways, resulting in a vibration and a snoring sound as air forcefully passes through the throat. Certain factors like increased age, weight and alcohol intake can cause an increase in snoring. The following conditions can cause snoring:

  • Anatomy of your mouth: If you have a naturally narrow airway or are overweight, snoring will be more likely.

  • Alcohol consumption: Like alcohol, anything that encourages muscle relaxation can cause airway obstruction.

  • Nasal problems or allergies: Nasal congestion, a cold or a deviated septum can all contribute to snoring.

  • Sleep apnea: This serious condition causes your airways to become partially or completely blocked.

In addition to the noise factor, symptoms of snoring include excessive sleepiness and difficulty concentrating during the day, sore throat, high blood pressure and chest pain at night.

See a doctor if…

  • Your snoring is so loud that it’s disrupting yours or your partner’s sleep

  • You wake up choking and/or gasping

  • You suffer from morning headaches and excessive sleepiness

  • Your child snores – it can be a sign of enlarged tonsils, obstructive sleep apnea or other issues

So, what can you do to stop snoring?

  1. Avoid alcohol, especially close to bedtime: Anything that relaxes your muscles can make snoring more likely.

  2. Change your sleep position: It’s easy to snore when you lie on your back, try your stomach or side.

  3. Keep allergies and sinuses in check: If you’re congested, you will breathe through your mouth and snoring will be more likely. See a specialist or visit the pharmacy to pick up a nasal spray, antihistamine or humidifier.

  4. Lose weight: Gaining weight puts pressure on the throat, partially blocking airflow.

  5. Buy a mouth guard: Your doctor or dentist can prescribe you a mouth guard, or you can look for an over-the-counter version.

If these tips aren’t enough to soothe your snoring, see a doctor for more proactive solutions. In some cases, medication or even surgery may be necessary.

The bottom line:

Snoring can be a sign of a more serious issue, please pay attention and don’t hesitate to consult your healthcare experts at [company_short] with any questions. Remember – you don’t have to guess about your health, because we are here to help. Call [phone_main] to learn more about over-the-counter sleep and snoring solutions, and for more information about what you can do to reduce or stop snoring.

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