3 Breakfast Myths Debunked

2013Oct07_GenPhama_AIn recent years, we have all been hearing it more and more – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While adults need the morning nutrition to fuel their workday, the importance of eating breakfast is even higher for children.

While many of us know that breakfast is critically important to your overall health, we still tend to skip this crucial part of our morning for various reasons- a little extra shut eye, weight loss, lack of time, and others. But is it worth it? Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about the role of breakfast in your life and turn them on their heads.

Myth #1: Skipping breakfast saves time

It seems to make sense that if you don’t spend time eating in the morning, you are shaving a few minutes off your daily routine. On the other hand, studies show that if you take a few minutes to consume a small meal in the morning, your brain will be sharper and you will be more efficient in everything you do. So, skipping breakfast doesn’t really save you any time in the long run.

Myth #2: Skipping meals = weight loss

You may think that eating less results in weighing less, but that philosophy isn’t completely accurate. Skipping meals actually makes it more difficult to control your weight and consumption of calories. Those that skip breakfast tend to binge on high-calorie snacks and a larger lunch than those who have eaten a small morning meal to stave off hunger. According to one Mayo Clinic nutritionist, skipping breakfast increases your body’s insulin response, which increases fat storage and weight gain.

Myth #3: Eating breakfast means quick weight loss

Some people take the idea that breakfast is good for you just a little too far. While breakfast should be an important part of your overall health and diet plan, it is not a magic bullet to fix your dieting and weight loss woes. It is still important to eat a healthy meal and avoid high-calorie options such as bacon and pancakes.

What about kids?

Skipping breakfast makes all of us tired, irritable and restless. By the time we wake up in the morning, we’ve gone anywhere from 8 to 12 hours without consuming any calories. When we send the kids off to school, it is an additional few hours before they eat lunch. That means that they haven’t eaten for approximately 15 hours!

According to WebMD, studies have shown that children who skip breakfast on a regular basis are tardy and absent from school more often than kids who choose to eat breakfast. To avoid this, make sure you teach your children the importance of a healthy breakfast. If you are struggling to make time for a morning meal, consider enrolling your child in a breakfast program at school or prepare and pack a breakfast the night before.

The value of eating a good, healthy breakfast is indisputable. Whether you choose a shake, fruit, oatmeal or a basic bowl of cereal and milk, there are plenty of simple solutions to add to your morning routine. Many breakfast options are available right here at [company_short]. Additionally, we are always here as a resource to answer your questions about breakfast and any other health-related topics. Call [phone_main] to speak with a pharmacist today.

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