Hand Washing: Do It More Often & More Effectively

2013Dec26_GenPharma_AHow many times do you wash your hands each day? Whatever the number is, it may not be enough!

December is the month designated to remind us all of the importance of handwashing. According to the Centers for Disease Control, washing your hands is the single most effective way to prevent sickness. By washing your hands, you can prevent illness as simple as a cold or flu, or you may prevent the development of more serious diseases like hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

According to the CDC, 80% of germs are spread by handshake. While some people are beginning to wonder if we should consider a business world without handshakes, others are touting the importance of something basic – good, old-fashioned hand washing.

Just think… how many illnesses could you have prevented by washing your hands more?

Read on to make sure you’re familiar with the top five rules of handwashing. Following them could be the key to preventing illness this flu season… and year-round!

#1: Wash your hands when they are dirty and when they are not.

Most people know that they should wash their hands after using the bathroom, cleaning up after pets or changing diapers. But some people don’t think about the less obvious times. You should also wash your hands after handling money, using the office copy machine or pushing buttons in the elevator.

#2: Always wash your hands before eating.

Even if your hands look and feel clean, you never know what germs have made their way onto your skin.

#3: Do not cough or sneeze into your hands.

According to Dr. Will Sawyer, Infection Prevention Specialist, the importance of not coughing and sneezing into your hands cannot be understated. In fact, he includes this rule in his 4 Principles of Hand Awareness.

#4: Do not put your fingers into your eyes, nose or mouth.

The “T Zone” is the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. It’s considered to be the #1 way that diseases enter our bodies. If you never touch the T Zone with a contaminated finger, you will not take the risk of infecting yourself.

#5: Practice correct hand washing.

Make sure you use warm water and rub your hands together for at least 15 seconds. An easy way to determine if you’ve spent enough time washing is to sing “Happy Birthday.” After washing, avoid recontamination by using a towel to turn off the faucet.

The statistics on hand washing are frightening. Research shows that only 2/3 of adults in the US wash their hands after using the bathroom and less than 1/2 of Americans wash hands after cleaning up after pets. 1 in 3 E.coli occurrences are caused by not washing hands before handling food.

Don’t be a statistic! We challenge you to do your part to prevent illness this flu season by washing your hands more often and more effectively than you have in the past. If you have any questions about what else you can be doing to prevent illness, please feel free to get in touch with your community health care experts at [company_short]. We are always available by phone at [phone_main]. From all of us here, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!

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Get Comfortable In Your Skin: Here’s How to Handle Stretch Marks

2013Dec19_GenPharma_AWe’ve all seen them and many of us have struggled with them ourselves. Striae, more commonly known as stretch marks, are frequently seen in men and women of all shapes, sizes and ages. The unwelcome marks typically develop on the abdomen, breasts, hips, thighs and upper arms. These days, they are a popular topic in health and beauty circles, especially among women who are searching for ways to banish them forever.

According to the Mayo Clinic, stretch marks are caused quite literally by stretching of the skin in certain scenarios including:

  • Pregnancy- stretching of the skin coupled with hormonal factors

  • Weight gain- significant weight gain, as well as muscle gain in body builders and growth spurts in adolescents

  • Medication use- chronic use of steroids, certain hormone therapies or corticosteroid creams, lotions and pills

  • Conditions or diseases- adrenal gland diseases, hereditary (genetic) disorders and hormone disorders such as Cushing disease

While there is no proven method to prevent the multiple factors that can lead to the development of stretch marks, there’s no need to worry if you have them. The red and pink marks will fade into white or grey slivers with time. They will never disappear completely, but there are additional steps you can take to help them diminish faster. Here are three ways to handle those unsightly, unwanted stretch marks.

#1: Evaluate nutritional factors.

It goes without saying that nutrition has a big impact on your overall health and the appearance of your entire body. Your skin is certainly no exception. When it comes to reducing the appearance of stretch marks, your first step should be to look at your diet. You need to drink plenty of water to maintain moisture, softness and elasticity in the skin, reducing the likelihood of stretch marks developing in the first place. Because caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks, it’s important to drink just as much or more water than tea, coffee or soda.

Stretch marks can be a result of deficiencies in your diet, so you can help yourself by making a conscious effort to consume foods that are good for your skin, including:

  • Protein-rich foods, like chicken or eggs

  • Vitamin-packed foods, such as carrots, citrus and milk for vitamins A, C and D

  • Foods that are high in zinc, such as fish and nuts

#2: Consider over-the-counter lotions and creams.

If you are pregnant, you already know that you are at risk for the development of stretch marks on your growing belly. In that case, you may want to speak with your physician or pharmacist about preventative creams he or she can recommend. Many over-the-counter options will be available at your community pharmacy.

#3: Look at treatment options.

While stretch marks can be a major cosmetic concern for many, they are harmless and do not require medical treatment. If you decide to consult a dermatologist, you should be aware that  while certain treatments are available, none are 100% effective in completely and permanently removing the marks.

When seeking treatment, it’s critical that you are open and honest about your medical history. Because medications can cause stretch marks, a healthcare professional will need to know about everything you are taking or have taken, including steroids and hormone treatments. A physician may recommend various options for medical treatment including tretinoin cream, laser therapy or microdermabrasion.

Not all products and medications are created equal. If you have any questions regarding a stretch mark remedy you are considering, just stop by [company_short]. As your local healthcare experts, we’re always happy to discuss your medical history, nutritional plan and lifestyle choices to determine recommendations for products available in the pharmacy. As always, please give us a call at [phone_main] with any questions.

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3 Ways to Lower Stress This Season

2013Dec17_GenPharma_AAnxiety, stress, depression… we’ve all experienced one or all of them at some time or another. Especially around the holiday season, the causes can vary. You might be under tight deadlines at work, worried about finances, experiencing issues at home or concerned about a loved one with an illness. Whatever the case, experiencing some of the following symptoms could symbolize a full-blown anxiety disorder or just a temporary spell:

  • Impatience and irritability

  • Chest tightness

  • Poor concentration

  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat

  • Fatigue

  • Sweating

  • Headache

While many people require prescription medications to ease the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety disorders, many others can find relief in the form of a non-drug remedy, whether it’s a natural supplement or a mind-body technique.

Read on to learn about three methods for reducing stress and anxiety this holiday season.

#1: Choose the right diet.

People are almost always anxious and irritable when they’re hungry. It’s important to eat small, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to prevent a drop in blood sugar.

Certain teas contain ingredients that can calm you down. In chamomile tea, the matricaria recutita compound binds to the same brain receptors as drugs like Valium. Meanwhile, green tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine. Research shows that it reduces heart rate and blood pressure to reduce anxiety.

Health professionals testify that eating breakfast has many health benefits. Believe it or not, a reduction in stress and anxiety is one of them! People with anxiety are known to skip breakfast, but some breakfast foods like eggs, which are rich in choline, are associated with lower levels of anxiety.

Another tactic to consider is eating more omega-3s. Studies have shown that fish oil is good for heart health, depression and anxiety. Oily, cold-water fish like salmon, anchovies, sardines and mussels are the best source of omega-3s. You may also consider taking a fish oil supplement.

#2: Select the right vitamins and supplements.

Many supplements and vitamins have been researched for their ability to reduce anxiety, but only a few have sufficient evidence showing their effectiveness. According to WebMD, kava, melatonin and passionflower may be effective. Additional supplements that may lower stress and reduce anxiety include:

  • GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid): This amino acid works to maintain equilibrium among neurotransmitters in the brain.

  • Vitamin B: Vitamins B6, B1 and B3 are known for their positive effects on the nervous system.

  • Vitamin C: Its role in brain chemistry and adrenal function can have a tranquilizing effect that decreases anxiety.

  • Vitamin E: Its role in transporting oxygen to the brain seems to lower anxiety and depression, especially in women with premenstrual syndrome.

#3: Get adequate sleep.

When you’re stressed, your mind is occupied with finances, relationships and that big project at work. When it comes time to turn out the lights, sleep may be the furthest thing from your mind, but we all know that getting about 8 hours of shut eye each night is critical to your overall health. A lack of sleep can heighten anxiety, stress and depression, and it can worsen an already bad mood.

Luckily, there are supplements that can help you drift off to sleep, thus helping you fight off stress. Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, Medical Director and Founder of the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine, recommends melatonin, magnesium and valerian root for getting to sleep and maintaining it.

We know the holidays can be stressful, so we encourage you to be prepared! Whether you need prescription medications, vitamins and supplements or personalized recommendations from one of our staff, we have what you need. Please visit the store or give us a call at [phone_main] for more information about how you can lower stress and anxiety in your life.

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Cook Your Way to a Healthy Family with These Two Ingredients

2013Nov21_GenPharma_AWhen it comes to cooking at home, you’re probably familiar with the basic standards of what’s healthy and what’s not. Cooking with lots of sugar, butter and white flour is not ideal, while fruits, vegetables and whole grains are healthier options. But there’s more to it than that– some of the foods you probably have in your kitchen right now can make a big difference in your health. Many of the most common household ingredients have been used as natural health remedies for centuries– do you know which ones they are?

Read on to learn about 2 ingredients you should keep in the house and cook with on a regular basis. The health benefits your family can experience may surprise you.

#1: Garlic

It’s probably hard to imagine your favorite Italian, Asian or French dishes without garlic. The flavorful vegetable plays a major role in popular cuisines around the world. What you may not realize is that garlic has been used as medicine for years, as far back as 2600 B.C.

The superfood garlic is said to have healing powers. According to Paul Bergner, Director of The North American Institute of Herbal Medicine, “it’s antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiprotozoan and antiviral.” Results from several tests have found that raw garlic is more powerful than both tetracycline and penicillin, with less side effects.  Additional health benefits of garlic include…

  • Stimulate the immune system: The active ingredient in garlic, allicin, is released when garlic is crushed and is responsible for dramatically increasing immune system power.

  • Prevent cancer and shrinks tumors: It’s recognized by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute as an alternative natural cancer remedy and is said to be especially effective with stomach, colon, breast and prostate cancers.

  • Promote cardiovascular health: Garlic dilates blood vessels to lower blood pressure and dissolve internal clots, among other things.

  • Alleviates symptoms associated with the common cold: Garlic is sometimes prescribed as a decongestant, expectorant and mucus regulator.

#2: Cayenne Pepper

Add some heat to your at-home menu with the health benefits of hot, spicy cayenne pepper! The widely used pepper contains capsaicin, vitamin A, beta-carotene and antioxidants, which result in a plethora of health benefits. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, cayenne pepper has been used as a medicine for over 9,000 years. Cayenne pepper has been associated with the following health benefits…

  • Fight inflammation and reduce pain: The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. Capsaicin is thought to treat sensory nerve fiber disorders such as arthritis and psoriasis, as well as pain related to headaches and osteoarthritis pain.

  • Help maintain cardiovascular health: Cayenne reduces blood cholesterol and increases the body’s ability to form blood clots. Cultures that freely consume hot peppers like cayenne have drastically lower rates of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism.

  • Relieve nasal congestion: The capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps clear mucus from your nose and lungs even quicker than similar ingredients found in many cold remedies. Adding a little cayenne to a snack or a cup of tea can provide relief for many people during cold and flu season.

  • Boost immunity: Just two teaspoons of cayenne pepper contains 47% of your daily value for vitamin A, which is essential in fighting infection.

Whether you spend a lot of time cooking at home or not, it’s great to be aware of which ingredients are healthy and which ones are not. Garlic and cayenne pepper are just two of the many ingredients that have the potential to greatly impact your health for the better. If you have any questions natural health remedies and which ones are most appropriate for you, please don’t hesitate to ask us! Stop by [company_short] or give us a call at [phone_main]. We look forward to speaking with you!

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Stop Diabetes: Know the Facts

2013Nov04_GenPharma_ADiabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels resulting from the body’s inability to properly produce and/or use insulin. You’ve definitely heard of it before, but you probably don’t realize quite how prevalent it is. The numbers are staggering!

The American Diabetes Association has designated the month of November, American Diabetes Month, to raise awareness related to the management, consequences and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Frightening Facts

About 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes and another 79 million have prediabetes. With numbers like that, you’re sure to know someone that’s affected, even if you aren’t aware of who it is.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released statistics showing that the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes more than tripled between 1980 and 2011, rising from 5.6 million to 20.9 million. What’s more, projections from the American Diabetes Association show that by the year 2050, one in three American adults will have the disease. Without a doubt, the frightening statistics show that diabetes is something we cannot ignore.

  • The national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion.

  • Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke.

  • People with diabetes have 10 times higher chances of amputation.

  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and new cases of blindness among adults.

According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are three main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile-onset diabetes and is usually developed in children and young adults. People with type 1 diabetes need an injection of insulin every day to keep them alive. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of all cases of diabetes and is often associated with obesity. The third type of diabetes is Gestational diabetes, which develops in one of 25 pregnancies worldwide.

Take Action

While professionals are currently unable to find effective prevention methods for type 1 diabetes, evidence supports the following steps to prevent or delay the onset of the more prevalent type 2 diabetes.

  1. Lose weight. Studies show that losing 5 to 7 percent of your total body weight and maintaining the loss can reduce the chances of developing diabetes.

  2. Increase physical activity. This element helps initiate and maintain weight loss. It also increases insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure and assists with psychological well-being. Exercising fewer than three times a week is a well- known risk factor for diabetes.

  3. Don’t smoke. Smoking increases abdominal fat accumulation and insulin resistance. Smoking is a well-known risk factor for many diseases, including diabetes.

  4. Take care of yourself. Enjoy a balanced and nutritious diet, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels and make an effort to get adequate sleep each night. Living with stress and depression, as well as sleep deprivation are associated with a higher risk of diabetes.

If you have a family history of diabetes, you are at a higher risk. Also, certain ethnicities are more susceptible to this disease than others. While the onset of type 1 diabetes is usually dramatic and sudden, type 2 diabetes is more subtle and difficult to detect. Some of the symptoms may include:

  • Weight loss

  • Excessive tiredness

  • Frequent need to urinate

  • Excessive thirst

  • Blurred vision

  • Slow-healing wounds

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to discuss them with a health professional sooner rather than later. Anyone older than age 45 should receive blood sugar screenings every three years.

Whether you think you’re at risk or not, it’s important to be aware of the ways you can decrease your chances of developing this disease. That’s why it’s critical to discuss healthy habits like diet and exercise with children and other family members. If you have any questions about risk factors, prevention methods or symptoms, please don’t hesitate to visit your neighborhood healthcare experts at [company_short] or give us a call at [phone_main].

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5 Ways to Choose the Best Dental Products for You

2013Nov01_GenPhama_AAccording to the World Health Organization, close to 100% of adults have dental cavities and 15-20% suffer from severe periodontal (gum) disease. It may almost sound like dental health issues are inevitable, but fear not- there are steps you can take to significantly reduce or completely prevent yourself from facing painful and expensive dental issues.

Take a look in your bathroom medicine cabinet. You might see two different kinds of toothpaste, three bottles of mouthwash and four different choices when it comes time to floss. You’ve heard that electric flossers might be beneficial, so you’ve got one of those, too.

On the other hand, you may have an old toothbrush next to a box of half-empty baking soda. You may not own a single dental product aside from that toothbrush you purchased six months ago. If that’s the case, you’ve got to change your ways quickly in order to save more than just your smile. Having a healthy mouth helps prevent more serious diseases.

No matter which category you fall into, choosing the right dental products is important, but it can be a tricky task. Exploring the dental care section of your pharmacy might be overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for. And depending on your specific situation, some products are more necessary or more effective than others.

So, how can you determine which products are most appropriate for you?

Here are 5 tips to simplify your dental care regimen and make your next trip to the pharmacy a little less stressful.

#1: Visit your dentist regularly. A professional will be able to take preventative measures when they see a dental health issue arising. Additionally, you can take the opportunity during a dental appointment to get recommendations about products you should be using. If you’re aware that tartar buildup is an issue for you, the decision to purchase a tartar control toothpaste instead of a product for whitening will be simple.

#2: Look for the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance. Since 1930, the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance program has tested the scientific claims of consumer dental products, evaluating their safety and effectiveness along the way. Always look for products that display the seal.

#3: Replace your toothbrush. You should switch to a new toothbrush every three months, or sooner if you notice the bristles getting bent or curled.

#4: Floss, floss and floss again. Dental experts have declared that many dental health problems could be avoided if people took the time to floss more often. Flossing does much more than get a stubborn piece of food out of your teeth- it prevents tartar buildup and disease, protects your gums and saves you money on expensive dental procedures in the long run.

#5: Use mouthwash. A good mouthwash does more than freshen your breath. According to the American Dental Association, it helps prevent gum disease by reducing bacteria in tartar. Choosing a mouthwash with fluoride is highly recommended.

Next time you’re in the dental care section at [company_short], we hope you’ll keep these tips in mind. But don’t worry, if you have any questions, we’re always here to help. Give us a call at [phone_main] or stop by the store for assistance with choosing the best dental products for you.

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Protect Your Teeth: 5 Tips to Simplify Your Dental Health Regimen

2013Oct29_GenPhama_AMany of you work hard to keep yourselves and your families healthy. You put in time at the gym, avoid chocolate cake, wear sunscreen and make an effort to get eight hours of sleep each night.

But what are you doing to protect your vision?

It’s not enough to rely on genetics or age. There is action you can take to prevent vision loss over time. Don’t take those precious organs for granted. After all, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Here are five quick tips to preserve your vision and maintain eye health.

1. Eat right.

Consuming a healthy diet that is high in vitamins and minerals has been linked to everything from cancer prevention to fighting your everyday cold. Naturally, what you eat plays a major role in your eye health as well. Research has shown that Vitamin A plays a particularly important role in your vision. It helps the retina absorb light and protects the eye from conjunctivitis (pink eye). To get more Vitamin A, eat carrots and leafy greens or consider taking a supplement.

2. Wear shades.

In addition to making you look cool and protecting your eyes from foreign objects, a pair of sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun and help preserve your vision. You probably know that you should never look directly at the sun, but you may not realize that simply being exposed to sunlight increases the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on your eyes, which has been linked to macular degeneration and corneal dystrophies.

3. Take a break.

We’ve all heard the classic myths – reading in dim light, sitting too close to the television, or trying on someone else’s glasses will cause permanent damage. Those ideas have been shelved, but many activities can still cause eyestrain. It’s a good idea to give your eyes a break. If you sit a computer all day, make a conscious decision to look away from your screen to an object in the distance from time to time.

4. Quit smoking.

Smoking is horrible for your entire body and your eyes are no exception. Research has linked smoking to cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve damage. To protect your vision, quit smoking or just don’t start.

5. Care for your contacts.

If you experience any eye irritation or discomfort, give yourself the option to switch over to glasses. Doing so can prevent the development of a bigger issue such as a corneal ulcer. Also, be advised that putting a contact in your mouth to retain moisture can be dangerous. Always keep contact solution or lubricant on hand for emergencies and pay attention to expiration dates.

Many health experts recommend regular eye exams, even if you don’t notice any issues with your vision. While the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends only one eye exam in your 20s, they recommend exams more regularly in your 40s – every 2 to 4 years. During a comprehensive exam, a professional can check for damage and disease, and determine if you are seeing your absolute best.

Whether you wear contacts, suffer from dry eyes, need vitamin supplements or a new pair of stylish sunglasses, we have what you need! Our staff can also provide helpful advice about the frequency of your eye exams and steps you can take to preserve your vision. Stop by [company_short] or give us a call at [phone_main] for more information.

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6 Amazing Reasons to Eat More Pumpkin This Fall

2013Oct21_GenPhama_AThe quintessential fall months of October and November are upon us and you know what that means- changing leaves, cooler weather and pumpkins galore! There will be pumpkin lattes, pumpkin pies, pumpkin ravioli and more. There’s no question that pumpkin season is very tasty, but what does it mean for your health?

According to Food Network’s Chef Ingrid Hoffman, pumpkin seeds are “loaded with protein, iron, zinc and magnesium… so it’s a superfood, obviously.” Read on to learn the top six health benefits of enjoying some pumpkin this fall.

Health Benefit #1: A lower risk of death.

Pumpkin seeds are packed with magnesium, a required ingredient for bone and tooth health. Studies show that men with the highest levels of magnesium have a 40% lower risk of early death than men with the lowest levels. Eating pumpkin seeds is an easy way to consume your daily recommended dose of magnesium.

Health Benefit #2: Increased ability to fight colds and preserve your health.

In 1/4 cup of raw pumpkin seeds, a healthy adult will get 17% of the recommended daily allowance of zinc. The antioxidant zinc helps support the immune system, protects against age-related diseases, assists in the healing of wounds and fights off illness. Studies have also linked zinc to prostate health, osteoporosis prevention and overall immune function.

Health Benefit #3: Helps maintain good vision and healthy skin.

Beta-carotene converts to a form of vitamin A that promotes good vision, healthy skin and a strong immune system. In a 20 calorie, 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin, you’ll get vitamin E, vitamin C, iron, magnesium and a whopping 170% of your daily value of vitamin A! It’s a highly nutritious, low calorie snack.

Health Benefit #4: A reduced risk of cancer.

Pumpkins are one of the best sources for both alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. Both of these antioxidants have been found to protect the body against cancer-causing free radicals. A recent study linked alpha-carotene to a lower risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Health Benefit #5: Support your efforts to lose weight.

With three grams of fiber in a one-cup serving, you will feel fuller longer, which results in less calorie consumption and weight loss over time.

Health Benefit #6: Boost your mood and ward off depression.

Pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid l-tryptophan, which is the same ingredient rumored to put people to sleep after a large turkey meal on Thanksgiving. Tryptophan is required in the human diet for the body to produce serotonin. According to Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, “When levels of serotonin are high, you’re in a better mood, sleep better, and have a higher pain tolerance.”

With six amazing health benefits in mind, remember not to throw away the seeds after you carve your pumpkins this month. Instead, enjoy every health benefit from this superfood. Since personal factors like diet, stress and health history play a role in the amount of vitamins and minerals each person should consume, it never hurts to speak with a professional. Please feel free to stop by [company_short] to speak with an expert today and get personalized recommendations about the proper vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet. Call [phone_main] to learn more immediately.

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Wake Up and Smell the Health Benefits of Coffee

2013Oct09_GenPhama_AFor the 108 million Americans who drink coffee everyday, there’s good news! New research provides even more proof that there are health benefits in your morning cup o’ joe. Coffee has recently been linked to everything from fat burning to less cavities and a lower risk factor for multiple diseases.

Once upon a time, coffee had a bad rap, but much of that research has been overturned. According to Donald Hensrud of the Mayo Clinic, earlier studies did not take into account the fact that many coffee drinkers tended to be smokers and lacked sufficient physical activity. It is also not true that coffee will stunt your growth or cause heart disease. In fact, recent studies show that the benefits of coffee drinking far outweigh the risks.

While many coffee-related myths have been set aside, drinking coffee is still not recommended for children or pregnant women. An excess of 28 cups of coffee per week, or more than 4 cups per day, has been linked to negative effects on length of life and overall health. So, like many other great things in life, too much coffee is never a good thing. A healthy habit can have a positive impact, but be careful not to overdo it.

Coffee has been linked to a reduced risk in the following areas:

  1. Parkinson’s disease: Studies have found that the caffeine in coffee causes a reduction or delay in the development of Parkinson’s disease by as much as 80%.

  2. Type 2 diabetes: Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee each day is associated with a 25% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Studies show that antioxidants in coffee are most likely to be responsible for the effect.

  3. Liver cancer and cirrhosis: The paraxanthine found in caffeine, as well as other anti-carcinogenic ingredients are thought to be responsible for the reduced risk of liver cancer, fibrosis and cirrhosis.

  4. Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease: One study that followed people for 20 years found that drinking 3-5 cups daily lowered the risk of developing dementia by about 65%.

  5. Death from oral cancers: According to the American Cancer Society, the hundreds of biologically active compounds in coffee are known to have anti-cancer properties.

If the disease-fighting qualities aren’t enough to convince you, keep reading.

Here are 3 more reasons why coffee is good for you:

  1. Coffee makes you smarter: Caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter Adenosine in the brain, which leads to improved mood and brain function.

  2. Coffee raises metabolism and improves athletic performance: The stimulant helps you burn fat and has been found to increase exercise performance by 11-12%.

  3. Coffee is full of antioxidants and nutrients: It contains vitamin B5, vitamin B2, niacin, thiamine, potassium and manganese. It is said to be the biggest source of antioxidants in the modern diet.

In order to preserve the health benefits, be careful not to pollute your beverage with sugars, creams and chemicals. If caffeine tends to affect your sleep, do not drink it in the afternoon or evening.

Different studies have had different results about the effects of coffee on your health, but the overall consensus is that when it comes to drinking coffee, the good outweighs the bad. If you aren’t a coffee drinker, you don’t need to rush out and purchase a coffee maker for your home. But coffee drinkers around the world rejoice – you can continue to wake up and smell the coffee!

The impacts of caffeine and coffee vary from person to person, based on factors like medications, smoking and exercise. It never hurts to discuss your particular situation with your local healthcare expert at [company_short]. Stop by or give us a call at [phone_main] to discuss the role of coffee in your life today.

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3 Breakfast Myths Debunked

2013Oct07_GenPhama_AIn recent years, we have all been hearing it more and more – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While adults need the morning nutrition to fuel their workday, the importance of eating breakfast is even higher for children.

While many of us know that breakfast is critically important to your overall health, we still tend to skip this crucial part of our morning for various reasons- a little extra shut eye, weight loss, lack of time, and others. But is it worth it? Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about the role of breakfast in your life and turn them on their heads.

Myth #1: Skipping breakfast saves time

It seems to make sense that if you don’t spend time eating in the morning, you are shaving a few minutes off your daily routine. On the other hand, studies show that if you take a few minutes to consume a small meal in the morning, your brain will be sharper and you will be more efficient in everything you do. So, skipping breakfast doesn’t really save you any time in the long run.

Myth #2: Skipping meals = weight loss

You may think that eating less results in weighing less, but that philosophy isn’t completely accurate. Skipping meals actually makes it more difficult to control your weight and consumption of calories. Those that skip breakfast tend to binge on high-calorie snacks and a larger lunch than those who have eaten a small morning meal to stave off hunger. According to one Mayo Clinic nutritionist, skipping breakfast increases your body’s insulin response, which increases fat storage and weight gain.

Myth #3: Eating breakfast means quick weight loss

Some people take the idea that breakfast is good for you just a little too far. While breakfast should be an important part of your overall health and diet plan, it is not a magic bullet to fix your dieting and weight loss woes. It is still important to eat a healthy meal and avoid high-calorie options such as bacon and pancakes.

What about kids?

Skipping breakfast makes all of us tired, irritable and restless. By the time we wake up in the morning, we’ve gone anywhere from 8 to 12 hours without consuming any calories. When we send the kids off to school, it is an additional few hours before they eat lunch. That means that they haven’t eaten for approximately 15 hours!

According to WebMD, studies have shown that children who skip breakfast on a regular basis are tardy and absent from school more often than kids who choose to eat breakfast. To avoid this, make sure you teach your children the importance of a healthy breakfast. If you are struggling to make time for a morning meal, consider enrolling your child in a breakfast program at school or prepare and pack a breakfast the night before.

The value of eating a good, healthy breakfast is indisputable. Whether you choose a shake, fruit, oatmeal or a basic bowl of cereal and milk, there are plenty of simple solutions to add to your morning routine. Many breakfast options are available right here at [company_short]. Additionally, we are always here as a resource to answer your questions about breakfast and any other health-related topics. Call [phone_main] to speak with a pharmacist today.

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